Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Kogi Truck Run

After back to school night I checked twitter because I knew that the Kogi truck was going to be in Sherman Oaks. The tweet said that the truck was still there, so we drove as fast as we legally could to Sherman Oaks. We arrived just as they were closing the line -- 8:30. Some lady pushed in and said that she was there before we were, so she grabbed the sign and got behind us. If she had been there before us, it would have be logical for her to step in line in front of us. But logic does not hold for crazed Kogi lovin' people.

After a wait of about an hour, we had some of the best tacos. These are not ordinary tacos, they are Korean fusion tacos, and they are amazing. Only Cooper was disappointed -- he did not agree with his kimchi quesadilla, but is willing to try something else next time,

More PIX are here.

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